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Overview of Virus DNA/RNA Extraction Kit

Yeast Expression Systems

Overview of Virus DNA/RNA Extraction Kit Viruses, as microscopic pathogens, infiltrate host cells and exploit their machinery to reproduce. Studying the genetic material, be it DNA or RNA, of viruses is pivotal for comprehending their biology, epidemiology, and advancing diagnostic tools and treatments. Virus DNA/RNA extraction kits serve as vital instruments utilized by scientists to […]

African swine fever virus detection solution (ASFV)

African swine fever virus

African swine fever virus detection solution (ASFV) African swine fever is a highly contagious and severe infectious disease caused by the African swine fever virus (ASFV), which can infect both domestic pigs and wild boars. The disease has a mortality rate of up to 100% and poses a serious threat to the global pig industry, […]